Thema: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Sa Dez 05, 2009 1:35 pm
Hello my dear, you ask you determine what happened here?
First of all I must apologize here as long as nothing has happened. But that is not the fact that I no longer supported Benny wants, no, it's up to my new job!
I would like to continue Benny supporten same as before!
In order that it will be easier for me and you, I've created a brand new website where the forum, a photo gallery and much more is already on the page! Thus, it is easier and you made me and you are spared the 5-fold application.
I hope and wish that ye me and Benny as well supported as before, and the Commander Benny fanbase community finally growing! To participate, each individual.
I thank you all and hope for a continued good cooperation with you all!
Here again the link to the new website:
If you have questions simply a PN!
Many greetings and love you again to Commander Benny Fanbase